Day Trips

Our Yellowstone horseback day rides are like mini pack trips, with all of the education, stories, riding and fun as a pack trip only much shorter.We give a mini riding lesson at the trail head before we leave for a ride. Before heading down the trail you will learn to mount, dismount, go forward, left, right, stop and back up. You will learn about being around a horse while on the ground and in the saddle. When you leave after your ride, you will walk away with real skills in horsemanship and dealing with animals.

$12 per person (Half Hour)

Day trips

Our Yellowstone horseback day rides are like mini pack trips, with all of the education, stories, riding and fun as a pack trip only much shorter.We give a mini riding lesson at the trail head before we leave for a ride. Before heading down the trail you will learn to mount, dismount, go forward, left, right, stop and back up. You will learn about being around a horse while on the ground and in the saddle. When you leave after your ride, you will walk away with real skills in horsemanship and dealing with animals.

$12 per person (Half Hour)