What should I bring on the trip?
We will provide a list of things needed for each trip upon booking or go to the web page which describes what guests need to bring. The checklist can be printed out so that you can use it as you pack.
What do we sleep in?
We provide Term-a-Rest sleeping pad, a zero degree rated sleeping bag, and a pillow for your sleeping comfort. You will he housed in the Johnson Outdoors company’s latest design for four-man backpacking tents. The tent is called the Timberline SQ Outfitter 4. The tent holds two people and their gear very comfortably.
Do you get to take a shower?
Yes, we set up a sun shower for our guests to shower in a private area, away from streams to prevent soap from contaminating the waters of our favorite national park.
Where do you go to the bathroom?
At every camp we set up a latrine where our guest may refresh themselves and use sanitary wipes in a secluded area.
Can I bring my own livestock?
We do not advise our guests to use their own livestock. Our herd has a definite routine and pecking order, and does not like to be disrupted.
Can I bring my own saddle?
You may bring your own saddle provided it fits the horse we have for you to ride. An ill-fitting saddle is very hard on horses who work everyday.
What is the youngest guest you will take?
Age is not our requirement but maturity is. All of our guests need to be able to follow directions and have the stamina and strength to steer and command their own horse. Our horses are well trained and it takes very little strength to steer them.
Do you have a weight limit for your guests?
We ask that our guests be under 250 pounds. This is to keep you and the stock safe.
How do I get to where the trip begins?
Planes, trains and automobiles will get you to our neck of the woods but your final leg of the journey will be by automobile to the trailhead. There are different local businesses who will provide Taxi service into the Park, but most of our guests prefer to rent a car.
What do I wear?
We are in a mountainous environment, so clothing needs to reflect that. We usually ride in some type of blue jean for pants, and a light weight shirt in the day time. The days can range in temperature form 60’s to low 80’s. The nights get into the 30’s nearly every night. Dress in layers.
How safe are your horses?
These horses have been in the business of carrying guests for quite some time. They are very gentle, and are chosen for this line of work because of their particular gentle temperament. All horses are still to be considered living free thinking animals and must be treated with care and respect for their size, but we do all we can to minimize and trouble between our horses and our guests.
What do you do in case of bears?
We keep all things with a sweet smelling odor in the core camp, hung 10 feet in the air from the bear pole, where we store all of our food over night. The guides carry bear spray, and are trained for what to do incase of a bear encounter. We rarely have bear encounters due to the fact that bears do not like the large herd of horses that are around our camp.
Do you help fishermen?
We guide fishermen who need help, whether it is their first time casting a fly-line or just help fishing new waters for wily fish. We want to meet your needs.
What should a fisherman bring in fishing gear?
We would first advise you to bring a fishing rod. We prefer pack able rods in a hard case. If you have a 3 or 4 piece rod you can carry it on your own saddle, otherwise we can pack two piece rods on our fishing gear mule. We advise lightweight waders, and wading boots or shoes. A fishing vest or small fishing pack with your basics of fly boxes or lures, spare leaders and tippets, etc is vital. A net is useful but not required.
What is the nearest airport?
Gallatin Field, between Bozeman and Belgrade, (five miles away) is the nearest airport to the pack station, but there are also airports in Jackson, Wyoming, south of the park, Cody Wyoming east of the Park.
Are there accommodations near by?
There are hotels, motels, and cabins in most major towns around the Park, as well as in the Park. We would be glad to help you arrange accommodations if you need them.
Do we need to rent a car?
Not necessarily. Some Hotels provide shuttle service to the Park. There are also shuttle services for hire in the area who will drop you off and pick you up at a trail head. However, most of our guests prefer to rent a car.
Do you take children?
Not only do we take them, we love them. But do ask about the rigors of the trips. Some are tough for little ones and we can help you choose a trip just right for your family.
Can you accommodate dietary restrictions?
If you have a dietary restriction, we are very willing to change the menu for you or if it is very restrictive we can cook separately just for you. We have gluten Free and Vegan menu options for those who need them.
How flexible are you on the dates and times of your trips?
We run our trips from Tuesday to Saturday. The Park opens to back country horse travel around July 1st and closes after the first major snow. We run five day trips, shorter if we need to accommodate someone who wishes to buyout and customize a trip to their own specific needs. Our trip descriptions have months after them designating the times of year that are best for that area.
What is a customary tip or gratuity?
Generally 10% to 15%, depending on the service received and length of trip
What is your Privacy Policy?
Sunrise Pack Station uses your information to provide the best possible trip for you. We do not share information with 3rd parties. We do take photographs during our trips for future promotional opportunities.